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From real patient stories to tips on living well, hear firsthand from people who have faced blood cancer.

We’ve also got the latest research and advocacy news, as well as stories from our wonderful fundraisers and donors. You can subscribe to our e-newsletters and event news here.

Theresa Webb: ‘I’ve always been a survivor’

Blood cancer casts a long shadow over many Australian families, but for Theresa Webb and her family, its shadow has been longer than most. Theresa was first diagnosed with blood cancer in 2002 after discovering a small hard lump near her collarbone. A biopsy revealed the then 30-year-old had a type of blood cancer called non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

  • Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
  • Carers
  • Lifestyle and living well
  • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
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Theresa with her daughters, Summer and Jessi, on the day of her stem cell transplant

Giles Purbrick was diagnosed with blood cancer, days after becoming a father

>In January 2020, Giles and wife Jacqui welcomed their baby daughter into the world. But just days later, Giles was hit with a shock blood cancer diagnosis that turned everything on its head.

  • Lifestyle and living well
  • Research
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Giles Purbrick and his wife

AML survivor Sophie Gray shares the role yoga and mindfulness played in her recovery

Sophie was diagnosed with AML in 2019, aged 29. She had a stem cell transplant later the same year from an unrelated donor and has been in remission ever since. After leaning on her yoga and mindfulness practice heavily through her recovery, Sophie underwent her yoga teacher training and teaches in Adelaide. In this article the Leukaemia Foundation asked Sophie some questions about her experience with complementary therapies.

  • Lifestyle and living well
  • Research
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Sophie Gray using Complimentary Therapies

Professor David Joske talks to the Leukaemia Foundation about Complementary therapies

David Joske is a Clinical Haematologist at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth Western Australia. He was Head of Department 1994 - 2012 and a Medical Co-Director 2017-2021. In this story David Joske talks to the Leukaemia Foundation about Complementary therapies.

  • Lifestyle and living well
  • Research
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Professor David Joske

Blood cancer hasn’t stopped Lyndell travelling for work and leisure

One of the first things Lyndell Wills did after being diagnosed with a blood cancer was to plan her dream holiday to South Africa. 

  • Lifestyle and living well
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Lyndell Wills at Macchu Pichu

Making decisions about blood cancer and your fertility

Clinical psychologist Ela Sexton advises on a few steps you can take when considering blood cancer and fertility planning.

  • Lifestyle and living well
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Psychologist Ella Sexton

Fertility, family and blood cancer

Sage and Sophie had to quickly make decisions about fertility and whether to start their respective families in the future – all within days of receiving a blood cancer diagnosis.

  • Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
  • Acute myeloid leukaemia
  • Lifestyle and living well
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Sage and Milly holding baby Ziggy

Blood cancer and other people’s positivity

Sam was in denial about her lymphoma diagnosis, but struggled with how people related to her after her diagnosis.

  • Hodgkin lymphoma
  • Lifestyle and living well
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A woman laying down, wearing a turban with a pensive look on her face

Expert Series: Dr Cecily Forsyth on how to live your best life with MPN

Dr Forsyth is passionate about what MPN patients can do to improve their health.

  • Interviews with experts
  • Lifestyle and living well
  • Myeloproliferative neoplasms
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Dr Cecily Forsyth in the Lofoten Islands, Norway

My body wasn’t my own

Jen was into trying wellness crazes and 'anti-cancer' fads. Then she was diagnosed with blood cancer.

  • Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
  • Lifestyle and living well
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A woman is sitting down with her fiance and their dog. She is smiling at the camera.

Living with blood cancer and pets

Read our top tips on how to safely care for your pets while undergoing and recovering from treatment.

  • Lifestyle and living well
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Lyndell Wills with her dog Meggs

Tereena goes to her “happy place” when she’s in pain or discomfort

Meet Tereena Cocks, who has practised meditation and visualisation almost as long as she’s been living with blood cancer – nearly half her life.

  • Lifestyle and living well
  • Myeloproliferative neoplasms
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Tereena with alpacas

Cancer-related fatigue – what it is, how it can affect you and how to manage it

Cancer-related fatigue is a side-effect that has an enormous impact on quality of life.

  • Lifestyle and living well
  • Treatments and side-effects
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Andrew Smith - Blood Cancer Support Coordinator

Tips for staying well in mind and body during coronavirus

These are a few things you can do when experiencing isolation, uncertainty and anxiety as well helping you to feel your best.

  • Lifestyle and living well
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Illustration of some hand weights, books, hand sanitizer, and a phone

Talking humanity in healthcare with David Joske

Professor Joske became concerned the humanity in healthcare was being left behind.

  • Lifestyle and living well
  • Research
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Professor David Joske

Expert Series: Dr Louella Crawford on the mind/body connection in healing

The mind play an enormous role in your health.

  • Interviews with experts
  • Lifestyle and living well
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Dr Louella Crawford

Last updated on February 9th, 2023

Developed by the Leukaemia Foundation in consultation with people living with a blood cancer, Leukaemia Foundation support staff, haematology nursing staff and/or Australian clinical haematologists. This content is provided for information purposes only and we urge you to always seek advice from a registered health care professional for diagnosis, treatment and answers to your medical questions, including the suitability of a particular therapy, service, product or treatment in your circumstances. The Leukaemia Foundation shall not bear any liability for any person relying on the materials contained on this website.