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Voice to Parliament

Position Statement

Leukaemia Foundation supports the Voice to Parliament

Our position

The 2023 Australian Indigenous Voice referendum will put to voters whether to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

The Leukaemia Foundation supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people having a Voice in Parliament, supporting their right to contribute to decisions that impact their lives.

The Leukaemia Foundation recognises that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people lived in Australia for more than 65,000 years. In fact, research has shown us that they are the oldest living civilisation in the world.

The Leukaemia Foundation stands for a reconciled Australia where the ability and diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people views are heard and acted upon. We stand for a future where all feel acknowledged, included and empowered. We stand for an Australia, where no one is left behind, mistreated or denied fundamental human rights. That includes the right to healthcare.

We know that better care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with blood cancer is necessary to ensure the same health and wellbeing outcomes as the broader Australian community. The Leukaemia Foundation is actively working to address the disparities contributing to the number of blood cancer-related deaths among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and right now these are still higher than non-Aboriginal people and this is unacceptable.

A Voice in Parliament means the discussion that has occurred nationally over many years becomes a reality. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will be able to advise on matters that affect their everyday lives. A direct voice to Parliament, given the disparity in psychosocial, as well as health outcomes, gives the Parliament a better sense of issues Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people face and hopefully ensures policy initiatives are targeted to ensure the best outcomes for people and communities. We believe the Voice will help bridge the health divide including those between underrepresented regional communities and the wider country. In short, we believe a yes vote signals a vote for progress that is desperately needed.

We hope for a respectful democratic process during the referendum, alongside discussions underpinned by curiosity and empathy. The Leukaemia Foundation has engaged with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders and community members on both sides of this debate. We encourage individuals to engage with the facts and evidence during this important moment in Australia’s history.

If you’d like more information, we believe the below resources are both inclusive and informative:

Recognition Through a Voice, Australian Government

Find out more about the voice

The Uluru Statement Supporter Kit

The Uluru Statement Supporters Kit steps through how you can help us spread the message of the Uluru Statement.

Castan Centre for Human Rights Law

The Castan Centre for Human Rights Law affirms its commitment to the Uluru Statement and the First Nations Voice to Parliament.